May we honor Mother Earth, the Mothers we may have been blessed to have, the Mother we may be for others, and the way we have learned to Mother ourselves. Let us witness. In appreciation for the women we are and the women who have come before us, we offer 15% off your entire order through Sunday May 12th with Code: Mother.


Three Ways to Deepen Your Intuition

Three Ways to Deepen Your Intuition

CHOICES. I used to loathe them. I’d get myself all wrapped up in Analysis-Paralysis, my mind a veritable hamster-wheel. What’s so beautiful about the world we live in now, is that more and more people are realizing that need for intuitive and conscious practices to help raise us up as a global community. These three simple practices are ones I’ve used over the years to help deepen my intuition, and harness the hamster-wheel. I hope they bring value to your life, as they have to mine!

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